Solution components

The solution to poverty will consist of at least two parts, the portion to develop new businesses with high growth potential, and the section to define new rules for operation that will disallow poverty. New rules for conducting businesses must be defined because the current practices will not eliminate poverty effectively in a stagnant economy with increasing social problems. The

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Tackling the root cause

When problems are identified, solutions that immediately correct the undesired situation are implemented. However, is the root cause addressed?  Is the condition that triggered the undesired events in the first place avoidable, and can it be eliminated? Some of the problems observed today in several regions are the existence of poverty and economic stagnation extending over a long period.  Why

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Preparing for changes

Changes start when the problem is acknowledged.  Without proper recognition of the problem, appropriate cause analysis cannot occur, and the suitable solution cannot be designed. In order to understand the problem as an organization, the yardstick to measure the deviation from the standard and the structure to address the problem are essential.  A product’s quality cannot be registered as problematic

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Tools for change

Process cultivates behavior, and behavior cultivates culture.  Company culture is a combination of work procedures, work management structure and method, and shared assumptions in the organization. In business entities, the ability to change is necessary to operate with flexibility.  The degree of flexibility required depends on the industry.  Generally, fast paced industries require higher flexibility. What happens when an entity

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The poverty situation in Japan has improved since 2012. In the 2015 survey, child poverty rate decreased 2.4% from 16.3% (2012 data) to 13.9% (2015 data). Overall poverty rate decreased 0.5% from 16.1% to 15.6%. However, the improvement is still limited, and the situation remains extremely severe in some household types, such as in the single parent homes. The number

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Ears to listen

Good ears are essential to learn music and new languages. Likewise, the attitude to listen is required to acquire new ideas and information. With age, learning new concepts becomes both easy and difficult. Learning is easy when the new idea is based on previously acquired information. Learning is difficult and takes times when the new idea contradicts previous knowledge. Learning

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Next generation environment

When problems arise, we attempt to solve the problem by addressing the events caused. This approach delivers perceivable results in the short term, but it may not solve the problem’s root cause. Without eliminating the root cause, the undesirable events may occur again. Poverty is a problem that exists in both developing and advanced economies. It is not an inevitable

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Communication and misunderstanding

Communication is the action to transfer thoughts, ideas, and knowledge from one person to another, and the process is bidirectional. Good communication can be ensured through confirmation for correct understanding of the person communicated.  Correct understanding requires comprehension of the communication context, because the same word can have different meanings depending on the context.  For example, the meaning of the

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Using metrics

Metrics provide a method to visualize progress towards achieving the objective.  Many kinds of metrics exist, such as revenue, customer satisfaction, and unemployment rate.  However, metrics that are not used in making decisions do not add so much value to the activities measured.  For example, if the customer satisfaction metric is not used in meetings to secure resources against other

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Poverty trend and economic environment

Graph 1:  Relative poverty rate and child poverty rate, 1985-2012; 相対的貧困率と子供の貧困率、1985-2012 (Comprehensive survey of Living Conditions 2013, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare;平成25年国民生活基礎調査の概要 厚生労働省) Graph 2:  Household income mean and mean real, 1985-2012; 世帯可処分所得中央値と世帯可処分所得中央値実質、1985-2012 (Comprehensive survey of Living Conditions 2013, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare;平成25年国民生活基礎調査の概要 厚生労働省) Graph 3:  Economic growth rate=[(GDP(yr)-GDP(yr-1)]/GDP(yr-1)x100, real GDP; 経済成長率=(当年GDP-前年GDP)/前年GDPx100、実質GDP (Data based on SNA (System of National

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