Blue Trading was established to reduce poverty through job generation. The organization will develop visions, execute plans, and distribute the benefits. Research will be conducted to generate prototypes which will allow easy visualization of the concepts.
Definition: Poverty can be defined in two ways, economically and socially. In a typical definition, relative economic poverty refers to the condition where the household income is lower than 50% of the median household income in the country (absolute poverty is more acute, often represented by the number of people living under $1 per day). Poverty is a real condition that exists in both developing and economically advanced countries. When the 50% relative poverty line is applied to the data compiled for Japan in July of 2014, 1/6 (16.1%) of the household falls below the poverty line. Similarly, the poverty population in U.S.A. was 15% in 2014.
Definition: Social exclusion is the other form of poverty where individuals or groups are denied certain rights, resources, goods, and services that are available to others. People may be discriminated in accessing housing, employment, healthcare, and other social services due to personal attributes such as social class, race, education, and living standard. For example, single mothers may be marginalized in securing employment, and individuals receiving public assistance may be denied in renting homes.
Blue Trading, LLC